Is your inbox constantly filled with junk and spam? The more rubbish coming into your email inbox the higher the risk of infection.

In 2021 there was a drastic upsurge in ransomware attacks compared to 2020 when attacks for the entire year were half that of the first quarter of 2021. Would you or your staff be able to identify a virus infected email?
We protect our IT systems with the full ‘belt and braces’ solution, which we highly recommend for comprehensive security for your business. But if ‘pick n mix’ is more your style, we can do that too.
- Email filtering to prevent unwanted and dangerous emails
- Umbrella software to protect computers from nasty, infectious websites
- Backupify tool to keep your data securely stored in the cloud
- Knowbe4 training software to educate your staff in identifying fraudsters
- Expert support and advise, if in doubt speak to us
- Rapid data recovery from cloud backup
All the below comes as standard with our ProActive Maintenance Package.
Prevent unwanted and dangerous emails from as little as 54p per week per inbox. It’s a risk not worth taking, email security against spam can ensure you and your staff are safe against phishing and ransomware emails.
Protect computers and machines from nasty, infectious websites – It’s very easy for a user to go onto a site, download something that looks legit, but isn’t. Or to put in their details or password into a fake site. Our internet security software cuts those risks by orders of magnitude. It can also be used to prevent time wasting and inappropriate WiFi browsing on work devices, for example, blocking adult content and things like online gaming and gambling.
Connect your ‘cloud’ file storage (either Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive) to a backup service for extra security. Although cloud storage means that the loss of a laptop or hard disk failure, for example, shouldn’t result in the loss of data, being in the “cloud” doesn’t mean that your data is protected from accidental deletion, infection, attack or other bad things. Backupify keeps your data safely and securely stored.
Educate your staff in identifying fraudster emails by sending emails to users that look and behave like fraudster emails. This helps your staff be prepared and practiced at spotting a security attack. If they get it slightly wrong, the consequence is a bit more training and education, but not being a victim of fraud. A small mistake by a hurried user can easily mean thousands in irrecoverable fraud – users need help, support, training and practice so they can easily defend themselves, and your business, against attack.
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We know that you cannot afford downtime so let us manage everything for you.

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We’ll handle your IT so you can focus on the fun stuff – growing your business!