The latest IT news, articles and advice from Astaris

Why cash is still king of the high street but you need to start planning for change

Cash is still the de facto choice of payment means in the UK in relation to the wider hospitality market. Contactless and debit card payments are increasing apace but cash remains top dog. A study found that almost 80% of all point-of-sale transactions in Europe are undertaken with cash. This means the utopian dream of […]

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Sainsbury’s celebrate 60 days of EPoS-free pilot store with customer satisfaction decline

Back in April, Sainsbury’s announced its micro flagship store in Holborn, next to the company’s HQ, was about to go EPoS-free. The store required customers to download an app and to pay via Google or Apple payment platforms – whilst having a Nectar Card to boot. The store was unveiled to much fanfare as the […]

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Fire-prone MacBook Pros recalled

Apple has announced a recall of some older generation 15-inch MacBook Pro units due to the fire risk posed by a tendency for the battery to overheat. Repair and replace free Apple is offering a recall and replacement program for units that were sold primarily between September 2015 and February 2017 with the company offering […]

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Suspected Russian disinformation campaign rumbled

An investigation by the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) claims to have unearthed a widespread disinformation campaign aimed at influencing online conversations about several topics that appears to originate in Russia. Facebook accounts Sixteen suspected Russian fake accounts that were closed by in early May 2019 led researchers to an apparent campaign which […]

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Fraud reported on Deliveroo and Just Eat apps

Some Deliveroo and Just Eat customers have reported that their accounts have been used to buy food that they didn’t order, but both companies deny a data breach. What happened? Several Deliveroo customers are reported to have been sent an email from the company stating that the email address linked to their account had been […]

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Is CCTV surveillance by Amazon drones the future?

An Amazon patent from 2015 appears to indicate that Amazon may consider ‘surveillance as a service’ using a swarm of its delivery drones armed with CCTV as a monetising opportunity in the future. Patent The details in the patent foresee customers paying for a tiered service that employs the onboard cameras of Amazon’s delivery drones […]

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Cutting out card payment human error with PaymentSense

Contactless card payments were introduced nearly a decade ago in the UK and have grown in popularity as more and more sectors use this quick and easy way of taking payment. This convenient payment experience is now at the heart of hospitality services from pubs, bars, restaurants, takeaways and beyond. The move towards ‘cashless’ is […]

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Why SME hospitality needs to embrace digital ordering technology

As digitisation continues apace within the hospitality sector and the way in which customers order services have changed.  Restaurants, pubs and takeaways are exploring new digital ordering platforms to help enhance their digital offering for a new tech savvy generation. This new drive by business is backed up by research from Barclaycard. The research found […]

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Casio – why you need to focus on “shrinkage”

The eminent EPoS manufacturer, Casio, has put out a strong ‘call-to-arms’ for Britain’s millions of small businesses to focus this summer on shrinkage. For the uninitiated, ‘shrinkage’ is the industry term for theft or fraudulent activities that results in stock loss or financial irregularities. During the peak summer period, when hospitality businesses expand their core […]

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Amazon pop-up stores

Amazon is launching a pilot scheme which will enable 100 small online businesses to sell their goods in 10 Amazon pop-up stores in UK high streets. Clicks and Mortar The pop-up stores will be branded as ‘Clicks and Mortar’ and will enable small online businesses selling homeware, health and beauty, food and drink and electronics […]

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GCHQ eavesdropping proposal soundly rejected

A group of 47 technology companies, rights groups and security policy experts have released an open letter stating their objections to the idea of eavesdropping on encrypted messages on behalf of GCHQ. “Ghost” user The objections are being made to the (as yet) hypothetical idea floated by the UK National Cyber Security Centre’s technical director […]

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US visa applicants now asked for social media details and more

New rules from the US State Department will mean that US visa applicants will have to submit social media names and five years’ worth of email addresses and phone numbers. Extended to all Under the new rules, first proposed by the Trump administration back in February 2017, whereas previously the only visa applicants who had […]

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