How to leverage customer loyalty with SBS EPoS

14th October 2019

SBS EPOS’ latest technologies are putting customer loyalty front and centre. They understand that loyalty is an imperative feature within the EPoS interactivity experience and within the venue by providing customers who remain brand loyal with the means of being rewarded.

SBS have three helpful ways in which companies deploying SBS EPoS technologies could improve loyalty integration within their EPoS to venue experience:

  1. Loyalty Cards. This totemic experience provides customers with the physical (or digital) loyalty reward experience that imbues users with a sense of reward-based earnings through repeated custom. SBS EPoS systems can help create and manage easy-to-deploy loyalty card systems.
  2. Brand Maintenance. SBS EPoS can help by providing brand tailored solutions for loyalty cards.  They can work with you to make sure your branding is incorporated into the entire loyalty experience.
  3. Report Tools. SBS Loyalty Reporting includes report wizard resources that can give you information on customers’ specific spending patterns and how they intersect with the loyalty experience and your business’s own goals.

If you’d like to read more from SBS EPoS regarding their brand loyalty services, please click here to read their latest blog article.

Astaris can install and support the kind of fast and reliable networks that all hospitality businesses need to run these kinds of sophisticated EPoS systems.  Give us a call if you need a better, more reliable internet connection and network in your pub, club, restaurant or cafe.