Sainsbury’s celebrate 60 days of EPoS-free pilot store with customer satisfaction decline
24th July 2019

Back in April, Sainsbury’s announced its micro flagship store in Holborn, next to the company’s HQ, was about to go EPoS-free. The store required customers to download an app and to pay via Google or Apple payment platforms – whilst having a Nectar Card to boot. The store was unveiled to much fanfare as the UK’s response to Amazon’s Shop and Go platform in Seattle.
However, rumblings on social media have identified growing customer dissatisfaction with the new technology. Retail Insight has noted daily store inspections have found it eerily quiet considering its prime London status and a growing queue at its only human-operated till.
The failure, some argue, is attributed to the difficulty in registering. People need to register for a Nectar Card, sign-up to the Pay and Go App via Sainsbury’s then also need to register with GPay or Apple Pay platforms.
Other issues surrounding the technology, many analysts argue Sainsbury’s have gone “cheap”, have impacted on how ‘easy’ the customer experience could have been. The high tech costs associated with this EPoS-free experience has impacted on uptake – with even Amazon unable to open stores in the UK and beyond.
As EPoS looks like it’s here to stay in the hospitality industry as well as the retail sector, make sure your network is secure and up to the task of running it efficiently. Speak to us if you have any issues with your internet connection of network.