The New Gym Member, A Technology Re-Vamp

14th February 2022

The world of gym and fitness took an undeniable turn during the pandemic. The global reality shifted people’s priorities and people arguably value health and wellbeing now more than ever before. 40% of the population consider health and wellness a top priority in their life, so what does this mean for gym businesses? Let’s talk about it…

Nothing new here

The world of health and fitness has always been an industry that has seen consistent growth. On average the market for health and fitness grows 5% – 10% annually, but why is now any different?

People’s usual gym routines changed significantly throughout the pandemic. People are embracing the ease of working out from the comfort of their own home (Although 95% said they missed elements of the gym and reported their at-home workout efforts were not as consistent or successful as in a fitness environment).

But people are now seeking a balanced approach post-pandemic and are looking for a hybrid solution for their fitness regimes.

The difference is people are looking for new ways to take their workouts digital, a record-breaking $2 billion was invested in fitness-tech apps in 2020. How can you incorporate this into your gym?

A technology revamp?

Here are some of the technologies that are being introduced in the fitness industry.


Fitness wearables allow people to track the results of their everyday activities as well as their efforts in the gym. There are many brands offering these small but mighty devices such as Apple, FitBit, and more.Â

Fitness Apps

Not all of your members are going to be interested or willing to invest in smartwatches and other wearables, so it’s important you help them find other alternatives. Many gym facilities are building their own apps that can be accessed on smartphones whilst in the gym that help members to plan, execute and track their workouts.

If building your own app isn’t an option, having information about existing apps like MyFitnessPal (which helps track activity, calories, nutritional advice, etc…) in your gym will help show your customers you are dedicated to them making the most of their time in the gym.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The number of IoT units sold in fitness jumped 64% between 2017 and 2020 and is predicted to keep going up. Investing in IoT fitness equipment may become essential for staying ahead of the competition, it comes with a range of benefits, predominantly creating personalised workouts for individual members on a wide range of equipment.

IoT gym equipment is powered by sensors, AI-powered data processing units, and mobile apps. It truly is the future of the fitness industry

Live-streamed fitness classes

With more and more people choosing to add home workouts into their routine, moving some of your group classes and sessions may not be a bad idea.Â

Advertising on your social media and website that you are catering to all of your members, even those who cannot physically make it to a class on time will be sure to attract more custom.

To ensure online classes run as smoothly as possible, make sure your gym has a great WiFi connection so your workout can go uninterrupted.

Managed IT services

IT can be a large expense for smaller, independent gyms and fitness facilities. Hiring someone internal can add an extra cost your business may just simply not need.Â

Outsourcing your IT may sound daunting, but there are people who can provide expert support for your leisure business. There are many benefits that come with having your IT network professionally managed and these include:

To find out more about getting your gym’s IT networks professionally managed, clickhere.